
About Us

Established in 2016, Madani Berkelanjutan is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and protecting Indonesian nature and culture for a better planet and society.​

Our origin story

Where the dream began

In 2016, Nadia Hadad, Giorgio Budi Indrartoa's dedicated team of professional volunteers, stood witness to a humanitarian crisis unfolding on the shores of Lesvos Island. Their compassionate response was immediate: Essam, a caring doctor, focused on delivering life-saving medical care and vital psychological assistance to the arriving Syrian refugees, while Maria and Mohammad diligently worked in hospitals and camps. Their tireless efforts aimed at reuniting families and aiding individuals in coping with the challenges of their new, often traumatic reality.

This pivotal experience sparked the creation of Humanity Crew. Today, our mission is to offer crucial support to children, families, and communities affected by crises. Through direct interventions and by training mental health first responders, we ensure that emotional well-being is a cornerstone of our humanitarian efforts.

Why Us

A problem worth solving

Timely emergency MHPSS after a traumatic event can significantly reduce the risk of developing long-term psychological conditions. However, when MHPSS is delayed, the disaster can have lasting impacts on individuals and communities, affecting their well being and their future.

Our mission for today

Accelerate the economic transformation and policies that favor the protection of nature and culture by fostering ecosystems and economic models that are equitable, sustainable and community-based.

Encourage the growth and development of a democratic and sustainable economy-based ecosystem of production, distribution, consumption.

Encourage the youth movement to realise people's welfare security and intergenerational justice.

Our vision for tomorrow

We seek a world where disadvantaged people living in the last mile can realize their full potential and enjoy a dignified life, free of poverty.

The values that guide us


Creative and Innovative



Embracing Diversity

A powerful,
symbiotic machine for policy change.

We use the three interconnected tactics of Research, Advocate, and Active. We drive high-impact community health system design with those responsible for CHW policymaking, financing, and implementation.


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Meet the team on a mission: when it comes to purpose and participation, we’re the experts.

Nadia Hadad​

Executive Director​

Mas Jo a

Giorgio Budi Indrarto

Deputy Director

Indah Meisari

Finance Manager

Aulia Putri Pertiwi

HRGA Sr. Officer

Anggalia Putri Permatasari

Knowledge Creation Manager

Trias Fetra Ramadhan

Lead Program - Komoditas

Yosi Amelia

Lead Program - RFN

Resni Soviyana

Lead Program - GD

Luluk Uliyah

Media and Engagement Coordinator

Mba Widy a

Widi Rosmiati

Procurement Officer

Salma Zakiyah

Program Officer - RFN

Aizah Dewi Fajriana Handini

Program Officer - GD

Lia Amellya Larasati

Program Officer - GD

Fadli Ahmad Naufal

GIS Specialist

Izhar Alkhalifard

SocMed Specialist


Muhammad Mardian

GA Assistant


Sadam Afian Richwanudin

Legal Coordinator


Riza Egi Arizona

Program Officer - Biofuel


Trisni Dwi Mulatsih

Accounting Officer


Sofie Choirun Nisa

Program Officer - Komoditas

Yuyun Indradi

Ketua Pembina

Josi Khatarina


If you value action, teamwork, and are always looking for ways to innovate, MADANI is the place for you! See below for current career opportunities and learn more about what you could be part of if you join Madani Berkelanjutan

We are not currently recruiting, but please follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to be the first to find out when we are recruiting.

Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan (Madani) is a non-profit organization that aims to strengthen various local and national initiatives in saving Indonesian forests by bridging relations amongst stakeholders (government, private, civil society) in order to achieve innovative joint solutions of the land and forest governance.

Indonesia has committed to reducing carbon emissions with the target 29%-41% of the BAU level in 2030, which is reflected in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This target is a national achievement that certainly requires all parties’ participation, including policymakers and the community at the sub-national level. In addition, low-carbon development is an important direction for green development policies and strategy which has been outlined in the 2020-2024 RPJMN. The concept of low-carbon development and the NDC target needs to be integrated into every aspect of development planning, both at the Central and Regional Governments. There is a need for synchronization of methodologies, institutions, and development planning between national and sub-national that supports the achievement of carbon emission reduction targets and the implementation of green development. This is an opportunity to facilitate and mobilize government support, particularly local governments, NGOs, and youth groups to implement and/or encourage the increase in ambitions for climate targets and actions in Indonesia.

Job Summary

We are currently expanding our team and looking for Program Assistant (PA). The candidate will assist Madani’s program related to Climate Change Advocacy.

Under the direction and supervision of the Program Officer (PO), selected candidate is expected to help PO taking care of several jobs, including but not limited to: operations, administration, research, networking and convening to support the program.

Duties and Responsibilities:

  1. Assist PO in implementing the program, from preparation, resource allocation and management, to activity reporting
  2. Collect and manage the program’s database
  3. Be actively involved in the process of Madani’s program study preparation, report and proposal
  4. Prepare program administration and finance documents, as well as assist in monitoring and managing program finances
  5. Process the data and information related to relevant issues and provide analysis / supporting study for program implementation
  6. Establish good communication and relations with partners, networks, including Central Government, especially the Local Government
  7. Stay abreast of relevant Government policies and the dynamic of climate change issues
  8. Have the ability to advocate environmental, climate change, low carbon development, NDC, and other issues
  9. Be actively involved in Madani’s activities and committed to do all assigned tasks
  10. Continuously improve personal capacity and help increase organization capacity


  1. Preferred a Bachelor (S1) Degree graduated from Environmental Science / Environmental Geography / Forestry / Development Economics
  2. At least two years’ experience in the same position. Preferably have experience working in the field of climate change / forest governance, and familiar with the planning and development processes of the Central and or Regional Governments
  3. Familiar with planning, monitoring, evaluating, and reporting processes
  4. Demonstrate the ability to conduct research / analysis related to certain issues for the needs of Program implementation
  5. Experience in advocating and building networks with CSOs or local communities working on environmental issues
  6. Experience in managing project administration and finance
  7. Proficient in Microsoft Office and preferably able to operate analysis tools
  8. Able to communicate using English both orally and in writing
  9. Demonstrate the ability to work alone and in a team, accustom to analytical thinking, creative and detail oriented
  10. Eager to learn new thing and has a great sense of humor

Please send your application via this link by July 17th at the latest.

Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: PA – MADANI

Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan (Manusia dan Alam untuk Indonesia Berkelanjutan) adalah lembaga nirlaba yang bertujuan untuk memperkuat berbagai inisiatif lokal dan nasional dalam menyelamatkan hutan untuk membangun ekonomi Indonesia tanpa merusak lingkungan dengan strategi menjembatani hubungan antar pemangku kepentingan untuk mencapai solusi invoatif terkaait tata kelola hutan dan lahan.

Indonesia telah berkomitmen dalam penurunan emisi karbon dengan target 29%-41% dari level BAU pada tahun 2030 yang terefleksi dalam Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). Target ini merupakan capaian Nasional yang tentunya perlu peran serta dari semua pihak termasuk para pemangku kebijakan dan masyarakat pada tingkat sub-nasional. Perlu adanya sinkronisasi metodologi, kelembagaan, dan perencanaan pembangunan antara nasional dan sub-nasional yang mendukung tercapaianya target penurunan emisi karbon di 2030. Hal ini menjadi peluang untuk memfasilitasi dan memobilisasi dukungan pemerintah, khususnya pemerintah daerah, NGO dan kelompok muda untuk mengimplementasikan dan/atau mendorong peningkatan ambisi target dan aksi iklim di Indonesia.

Kami membuka kesempatan untuk bergabung dengan Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan sebagai Desainer Grafis dan Editor Video yang akan bertanggung jawab atas beberapa hal berikut:

Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab:

  1. Mengembangkan materi grafis bagi akun media sosial (medsos) dan situs web Madani Berkelanjutan serta kebutuhan lain sesuai dengan hasil koordinasi dengan Tim Komunikasi dan staf lainnya;
  2. Mengembangkan konten audio dan audiovisual bagi akun medsos dan situs web Madani Berkelanjutan sesuai dengan hasil koordinasi dengan Tim Komunikasi dan staf lainnya;
  3. Mengawasi kualitas semua produk grafis, audio, dan audiovisual, baik yang diproduksi secara in-house maupun lewat pihak ketiga;
  4. Memastikan bahwa semua keluaran grafis, audio, dan audiovisual Madani Berkelanjutan sesuai dengan standar branding organisasi;
  5. Mendesain layout dokumen dan produk-produk lain, termasuk dokumen presentasi, sertifikat, plakat, dan merchandise organisasi;
  6. Mendokumentasikan kegiatan Madani Berkelanjutan dalam bentuk foto dan video;
  7. Mengelola penyimpanan aset-aset visual organisasi, termasuk foto, video, template dokumen, dan ilustrasi;
  8. Berkolaborasi dengan Social Media Specialist untuk perencanaan jadwal pembuatan konten grafis, audio dan audiovisual.

Kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan bagi posisi ini adalah:

  1. Berpengalaman setidaknya dua (2) tahun dalam mengembangkan konten grafis dan konten audio atau audiovisual bagi kebutuhan organisasi;
  2. Menguasai peranti lunak desain grafis (misalnya, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, dan Adobe In-Design) dan desain suara atau desain audiovisual (contohnya, Adobe Premier Pro dan Adobe Audition);
  3. Menguasai Microsoft Office;
  4. Menguasai prinsip-prinsip desain, termasuk prinsip-prinsip warna dan typography;
  5. Kemampuan memahami dan mengevaluasi social media metrics.

Mohon kirimkan lamaran Anda melalui link berikut ini paling lambat Selasa, 31 Mei 2022.

Kami memberikan kesempatan kepada semua orang yang tertarik dan memenuhi syarat terlepas dari ras, jenis kelamin, disabilitas, agama/kepercayaan dan usia.

Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan (Madani) is a non-profit organization that aims to strengthen various local and national initiatives in saving Indonesian forests by bridging relations amongst stakeholders (government, private, civil society) in order to achieve innovative joint solutions of the land and forest governance.

Indonesia has committed to reducing carbon emissions with the target 29%-41% of the BAU level in 2030, which is reflected in the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). This target is a national achievement that certainly requires all parties’ participation, including policymakers and the community at the sub-national level. In addition, low-carbon development is an important direction for green development policies and strategy which has been outlined in the 2020-2024 RPJMN.

The concept of low-carbon development and the NDC target needs to be integrated into every aspect of development planning, both at the Central and Regional Governments. There is a need for synchronization of methodologies, institutions, and development planning between national and sub-national that supports the achievement of carbon emission reduction targets and the implementation of green development. This is an opportunity to facilitate and mobilize government support, particularly local governments, NGOs, and youth groups to implement and/or encourage the increase in ambitions for climate targets and actions in Indonesia.

READ ALSO:  We’re Hiring: Consultant for IT Officer

We are currently open the opportunity for you to join Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan as a Communication Manager (Consultant) to oversee all internal and external communications for a Madani, ensure its message is consistent and engaging including but not limited to:

Job Summary:

Under the direction of the Executive Director and Deputy Director, the Consultant of Communication Manager helps Madani to oversee the implementation of both internal and external communication strategies, including managing external communication channels like social media platforms, company websites, media relations as well as other platform carried by Madani.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:
1. Develop a communication strategy, to drive effective internal and external communications
2. Develop and/or supervise the development of communication materials and products including social media, press releases, website content, publication, etc.
3. Advise effective communications with employees and other critical stakeholders internally and externally
4. Drive collaboration between integrated teams from various communications practices to build and implement the strategy
5. Lead, coordinate and execute communication campaigns from a content perspective across multiple channels to drive employee engagement and alignment around program priorities.
6. Provide stakeholders with key messages and support around issues and key initiatives
7. Independently handle complex issues with minimal supervision, while escalating only the most complex issues to appropriate staff
8. Gather and analyze internal and external communication metrics in collaboration with the specialized teams
9. Actively involved in Madani’s activities and committed to do all assigned tasks.
10. Continuously improve personal capacity and help increase organizational capacity.

General Requirements

1. Candidates must be at least graduates in a related stream such as English or Journalism for a Communications role
2. Experience in environmental issues in particular climate change
3. Experience working with agencies, graphic designers and creative support
4. Strong leadership and effectively partner with Communications Teams
5. Ability to motivate and guide employees who closely work with you
6. Ability to translate complicated messaging into easily understood language
7. Familiarity with technical terms related to climate change and environment movement
8. Able to communicate using English both orally and in writing.
9. Demonstrate the ability to work alone and in a team, accustom to analytical thinking, creative and detail oriented.

Closing Date to submit the application is on March 20, 2022.

Please indicate your application by putting the following code in the subject line: Consultant Communication Manager – MADANI

Click here to apply LINK

We'd love to hear form you! Complete this form and a member of our team will respond to your enquiry within three days. If you have any difficulties in completing this form, please email us directly to

Yayasan MADANI Berkelanjutan

Jl. Mesjid Al Hidayah No.14A, RT.04/07, RT.4/RW.7, West Pejaten, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta City, Jakarta 12520

(021) 26962838

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