
Inclusive And Collaborative Climate Action Under The Next Generation Leaderships: NPS Contributions to Long Term Development Strategy

There is no viable pathway to securing a long-term goal of sustainable, low emission, and climate resilience development that does not involve multi-stakeholders and multi-layers of collaboration on climate actions, both state and non-state actors.

This is also aligned with the spirit of the Paris Agreement to ensure a transparent, fair, and collaborative framework of climate change. Changes to better and more sustainable practices shall be guided by cross-sectoral, interlinked, and holistic national policies that consistently bring in global and sub-national perspectives. Non-Party Stakeholders (including but not limited to: local governments, civil society organizations, adat, and local communities, private and academia) are partners of Party Stakeholders in achieving these commitments.

In August 2021, the Working Group I of IPCC AR 6 concluded its report that it is very likely that the world will warm up more than 1.5o C by the year of 2030 and could reach 4.4o C by the end of the century if no aggressive and comprehensive climate actions are taking place today.

Devastating consequences such as irreversible impacts, increasing disaster, and decreasing economic growth are the foreseen future for the next generations Indonesia has submitted two important documents, Updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Long Term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050 (LTS-LCCR 2050), emphasizing the country’s plans in sectoral emission reductions and actions to achieve Net Zero Emission by 2060 or sooner.

These documents will guide the implementation of a low emission development in Indonesia. All stakeholders, state and non-state, need to work in partnerships to take forward actions that will lead the country to become a champion in the transition towards a sustainable, resilient, fair, and low-emission future.

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