Manusia dan Alam untuk Indonesia Berkelanjutan (MADANI Berkelanjutan) is a non-profit organization that works to address the climate crisis through research and advocacy. Established in 2016, MADANI Berkelanjutan strives to achieve balanced development in Indonesia, encompassing economic, ecological, and social aspects. We formulate and promote innovative solutions for the climate crisis by bridging collaborations among various stakeholders. Currently, our work focuses on issues pertaining to forests and climate, sustainable development at the regional level, sustainable commodities, and biofuels.
Meski terus dikritik sejak proses perencanaannya, pembangunan Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN) seakan tak terbendung. Mengacu pada UU No. 3 Tahun 2022 tentang Ibu Kota Negara, pembangunan IKN telah ditetapkan sebagai program prioritas nasional dalam rencana kerja pemerintah selama 10 tahun setidaknya hingga tahun 2032. Biaya membangun IKN cukup fantastis. Menurut Nota Keuangan RAPBN 2025, pada […]
Jakarta, August 29, 2024 – Indonesia is at a crucial crossroads for both its democracy and its climate policies. As the deadline for Indonesia’s submission of its Second Nationally Determined Contribution (SNDC) approaches in September 2024, a coalition of civil society organizations is urging the government to seize this moment to reshape climate commitments toward […]
28 Agustus 2024 – Provinsi Maluku dengan lebih dari 1.340 pulau dan 93 persen wilayahnya merupakan lautan, menghadapi tantangan besar dalam pembangunan. Apalagi, saat dihadapkan dengan berbagai persoalan sosial dan lingkungan terkait dengan perubahan iklim. Untuk menghadapi tantangan ini, MADANI Berkelanjutan mengajak kaum muda Maluku untuk berperan aktif melalui Sekolah Pembangunan yang diadakan pada 23-24 […]
Bulan Juli – Agustus 2024 kembali menjadi momentum hitam bagi Indonesia dengan melonjaknya kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) di berbagai penjuru negeri. Luas area terbakar meningkat tajam dari 11.711 hektare di bulan Juni menjadi 60.292 hektare hanya dalam satu bulan. Lalu melonjak lagi menjadi 45.368 hektare pada separuh bulan Agustus. Secara total, sejak Januari hingga […]
Jakarta, 29 Agustus 2024. Indonesia tengah menghadapi kegentingan demokrasi dan iklim. Menjelang tenggat penyerahan dokumen komitmen kontribusi nasional kedua, atau disebut dengan istilah Second Nationally Determined Contribution (SNDC), yang rencananya jatuh pada bulan September 2024, koalisi masyarakat sipil mendorong agar Pemerintah menjadikan dokumen nasional ini sebagai momentum koreksi komitmen iklim yang lebih adil dengan proses […]
Promoting increased Indonesia’s climate ambitions through strengthened policies in the forestry and land sector and effective and cohesive policy implementation to bolster the well-being of communities.
Enhancing plantation governance to improve farmers' welfare, market acceptance, and to fulfill Indonesia's climate commitments.
Advocating for the protection of forests and peatlands within Indonesia's biofuel policies. This includes assessing the potential for transitioning to renewable energy for sustainable development.
Harmonizing the execution of NDC and national low-carbon development policies at the regional level, raising public awareness about climate change, and involving indigenous peoples and local communities in sustainable development planning.
Earth's temperature is consistently rising, which could make it uninhabitable in the near future. Close collaboration among all parties is the only solution to the climate crisis.
The world has reached a consensus to take action to prevent the Earth's temperature from rising more than 1.5°C, but this target has not been fully achieved.
Forests can absorb the 'pollution' causing global warming. But, the world's forest cover continues to shrink.
The use of fossil fuels, such as coal and oil, results in significant emissions that contribute to the climate crisis. The world needs to swiftly transition to renewable energy to mitigate global warming.
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