

[Jakarta, March 11th, 2021] Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan appreciates the work of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MoEF) to reduce deforestation by 75% in the period of 2019-2020 as stated on their press release on March 3rd, 2021. This is a solid stepping stone for Indonesia to continue building its economy without deforestation and environmental degradation. Indonesia must maintain the reduction of deforestation in the future so that other tropical forest countries could look up to Indonesia’s success.

Therefore, it is crucial for the government of Indonesia to ensure that every development policy, from the National Economic Recovery Program (“PEN”), National Strategic Program (“PSN”), to food estate and energy security, are in line with efforts to achieve Indonesia’s climate commitment.” said Yosi Amelia as Project Officer for Forest and Climate in Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan in response to the MoEF press release on Indonesia’s deforestation.

However, the largest reduction of deforestation was in the loss of ‘Plantation Forests,’ with a whopping 99% reduction from the previous year and not in the loss of natural forests, while  primary forest loss only declined 48% from 23,9 thousand hectares in the period of 2018-2019 to 12,3 thousand hectares in 2019-2020. Unfortunately, the decline in secondary forest loss is even lower, only 36% from 164 thousand hectares in 2018-2019 to 104,6 thousand hectares in 2019-2020. This shows a high urgency for Indonesia to improve its protection towards secondary forest, both that are already given to concessions and that are not yet protected by the policy to halt new permits or “PIPPIB.” One of the ways to do that is through policy innovations including the implementation of REDD+,” said Fadli Ahmad Naufal, GIS Specialist.

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Fadli also added, “If we only counted the loss of natural forest (gross natural forest deforestation), the percentage of deforestation’s reduction rate worthy of appreciation is actually 38%, from 187,9 thousand hectares loss in 2018-2019 to 116,9 thousand hectares loss in 2019-2020. According to Madani’s initial research, there are 9,4 million hectares natural forest or 16 times the island of Bali that have not been licensed out and outside PIPPIB and social forestry allocation – PIAPS are not under protection of any policy to halt new licenses and therefore susceptible to deforestation.”

On the other hand, the Indonesian government has formulated new policies which present high risks to increase deforestation in the next few years. Without strengthening environmental safeguards, it is feared that these recent development programs may jeopardize Indonesia’s climate commitment and low carbon development program; and worse, intensify conflicts with indigenous and  local communities.

The country faces a risk of imminent  increase in deforestation within an extensive area of natural forests – around 1,5 million hectares or almost 3 times the island of Bali – are included in Area of Interest (AOI) of Food Estate in 4 provinces of Papua, Central Kalimantan, North Sumatra, and South Sumatra. Huge potential economic value of timber in those areas – reaching IDR 209 trillions – increases such risks.

Therefore it is urgent for the government to strengthen the protection of secondary natural forests, both already in concessions and those that are not yet protected by PIPPIB. One thing that can be done is through the implementation of REDD+ with the implementation of strong environmental and social safeguards supported by data transparency”, said Yosi.

Yosi also added that Madani would be at the forefront if the government opens up to protect Indonesia’s natural forests from further deforestation.

Contact Person:

  • Yosi Amelia, Project Officer for Forest and Climate, Yayasan  Madani Berkelanjutan, Phone +62813 2217 1803

  • Luluk Uliyah, Senior Media Communication Officer, Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, Phone +62815 1986 8887

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Namun sesungguhnya penurunan angka deforestasi terbesar terjadi pada deforestasi hutan tanaman sebesar 99%, jadi bukan hilangnya hutan alam. Sementara itu deforestasi hutan primer turun sebesar 48%, yakni dari 23,9 ribu hektare pada 2018-2019 menjadi 12,3 ribu hektare pada 2019-2020. Sayangnya, deforestasi hutan sekunder tidak turun sebesar hutan primer, yakni hanya 36% dari 164 ribu hektare pada 2018-2019 menjadi 104,6 ribu hektare pada 2019-2020. Ini menunjukan bahwa sangat mendesak untuk meningkatkan perlindungan pada hutan alam sekunder, baik yang berada dalam konsesi yang belum terlindungi oleh PIPPIB, salah satunya melalui inovasi kebijakan termasuk implementasi REDD+,” ungkap Fadli Ahmad Naufal, GIS Specialist.

Jika kita hanya melihat hilangnya hutan alam (deforestasi bruto hutan alam), betul terjadi penurunan deforestasi yang layak diapresiasi, namun hanya sebesar 38%, yakni dari 187,9 ribu hektare pada 2018-2019 menjadi 116,9 ribu hektare pada 2019-2020. Berdasarkan analisis awal Madani, ada sekitar 9,4 juta hektare hutan alam atau hampir setara 16 X Pulau Bali di luar izin dan konsesi dan kawasan PIAPS dan PIPPIB yang belum terlindungi oleh kebijakan penghentian pemberian izin baru atau moratorium hutan sehingga rentan terdeforestasi,” tambah Fadli Ahmad Naufal.

Di sisi lain, disaat yang bersamaan pemerintah juga telah berhasil menyusun kebijakan yang berpotensi meningkatkan laju deforestasi pada beberapa tahun ke depan. Tanpa pengetatan safeguards lingkungan hidup, dikhawatirkan bahwa berbagai program pembangunan tersebut dapat menggagalkan pencapaian komitmen iklim dan pembangunan rendah karbon Indonesia dan justru meningkatkan konflik dengan masyarakat adat dan lokal.

Dalam waktu dekat, potensi naiknya angka deforestasi ke depan ditandai dengan luasnya hutan alam yang masuk dalam area of Interest (AOI) Food estate di 4 Provinsi (Papua, Kalteng, Sumut, dan Sumsel). Nilai luasan hutan alam tersebut sekitar 1,5 juta hektare atau hampir setara dengan 3 kali luas pulau Bali. Kekhawatiran terjadinya deforestasi sangat beralasan karena besarnya potensi nilai ekonomi kayu pada luasan hutan alam tersebut, yaitu sebesar 209 triliun rupiah.

Oleh karena itu, sangat mendesak bagi pemerintah untuk memperkuat perlindungan pada hutan alam sekunder, baik yang terlanjur berada dalam konsesi maupun yang belum terlindungi oleh PIPPIB. Salah satunya adalah melalui implementasi REDD+ dengan penerapan safeguards lingkungan dan sosial yang kuat yang didukung oleh transparansi data,” ungkap Yosi.

Madani akan berada di garda terdepan jika pemerintah membuka diri untuk kerja bersama dalam mengimplementasikan aksi untuk mengurangi deforestasi,” tambah Yosi.

Kontak Media:

  • Yosi Amelia, Project Officer Hutan dan Iklim  Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, HP.0813 2217 1803
  • Luluk Uliyah, Senior Media Communication Officer Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, 0815 1986 8887

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