

[Jakarta, 26 March 2021] Indonesia has the opportunity to achieve its Long-Term Vision in the country’s fight against climate change in line with the Paris Agreement by reducing Indonesia’s quota on deforestation to only 10.7 thousand hectares per year, even zero, under the Updated NDC for the year 2020-2030. To achieve the said target, Yosi Amelia, Project Officer for Forest and Climate from Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan stated that various policies to protect Indonesia’s remaining forests must be strengthened, such as expanding the policy to halt new licenses to forests that are not yet under any protection schemes, continuing palm oil moratorium, and reconsidering any national strategic programs or national economic recovery programs that threatenIndonesia’s forests.

Yosi also added, “In accordance with the Low Carbon Compatible with the Paris Agreement scenario, the rate of Indonesia’s natural forest loss for the period of 2020-2030 cannot exceed 241 thousand hectares per year. Therefore, Indonesia’s natural forest deforestation quota in that period is only 4.82 million hectares. According to the Ministry of Environment and Forestry data, Indonesia has lost more or less 4.71 million hectares of natural forests from the period of 2011-2012 to 2019-2020. Consequently, the remaining quota for deforestation for the period of 2020-2030 is only 107 thousand hectares or 10.7 thousand hectares per year. However, if we include natural forest loss data in 2010-2011 by taking the annual average of deforestation in 2009-2011 which is 196,750 hectares, Indonesia’s quota on deforestation subsequently becomes minus. That is to say, Indonesia no longer has any quota left for deforestation of natural forests until 2030.”

The Indonesian government has introduced three scenarios on the Long-Term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience in 2050 to achieve a net-zero emissions target by 2070, 20 years slower than what the UN has targeted. In the most ambitious scenario, known as Low Carbon Compatible with Paris Agreement – LCCP, Indonesia has targeted an emission peak for every sector with forestry and land sector becoming a net carbon sink by 2030.

Thus, Indonesia’s forests and land would be the most dependable sector for Indonesia in its fight against climate change, not only to reduce emissions from its own sector, but also to absorb carbon emissions from other sectors, such as energy, waste, industrial processes and product usage, and also agriculture.  

BACA JUGA: Nol Deforestasi Kunci Strategi Nol Emisi Indonesia

According to Madani’s initial research, there are around 9.4 million hectares of natural forests or 16 times the island of Bali that have not been licensed out and are located outside the protection of PIPPIB (Indicative Map of Termination of New Permits) and social forestry indicative area – PIAPS. They are not under the protection of any policy to halt new licenses and therefore susceptible to deforestation.” Fadli Ahmad Naufal, GIS Specialist from Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan said. He also added that those 9.4 million hectares of natural forests must be protected to achieve Indonesia’s long-term strategy on low carbon compatible with the Paris Agreement.

Besides, it is also crucial for the government of Indonesia to review various development policies, from the National Economic Recovery Program (“PEN”), National Strategic Program (“PSN”), to food estate as to not further damage Indonesia’s natural forests. “Madani’s initial research also found around 1.5 million hectares of Indonesia’s natural forests included in the Area of Interest (AOI) of Food Estate in 4 provinces, namely Papua, Central Kalimantan, North Sumatra, and South Sumatra with a huge potential economic value of timber in those areas – reaching IDR 209 trillion,” Fadli added.

The government must also pay a keen attention on protecting Indonesia’s natural forests that have already been licensed out, including timber plantation concessions and Palm Oil Plantations. One of the ways to protect forests already under the license/concessions of Palm Oil Plantations is through the Palm Oil Moratorium, which unfortunately will end in September 2021. Trias Fetra, Program Officer for Palm Oil Governance of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan suggested that it is in the government’s utmost necessity to continue theits Palm Oil Moratorium, which includes elements on protecting Indonesia’s forest and increasing the productivity of palm oil plantations andplantations. aAnd thus, critical to achieving Indonesia’s long-term strategy on low carbon development.

To achieveaccomplish Indonesia’s long-term strategy on low carbon compatible with the Pariswith Paris Agreement, Indonesia has to transform its strategy on land use by making use of the unproductive lands – both inside andor outside forest zonethe area of forest to achieve food and energy security, and also strengthen the protection of Indonesia’s remaining natural forests and peatland ecosystem.

Lastly, Yosi added, “Our future and the future of the forthcoming generations depends on the transformation of Indonesia’s economic development towards a no longer destructive development for our forests and environment. This transformation must start right now as the worsening impacts of the climate crisis no longer gives us the luxury of time.”


Contact Person:

  • Yosi Amelia, Project Officer for Forest and Climate, Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, Phone +62813 2217 1803

  • Trias Fetra, Program Officer for Palm Oil Governance, Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, Phone: +62877 4403 0366

  • Luluk Uliyah, Senior Media Communication Officer, Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, Phone +62815 1986 8887


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Berdasarkan skenario yang selaras dengan Paris Agreement, laju deforestasi hutan alam Indonesia pada periode 2010-2030 tidak boleh lebih dari 241 ribu hektar per tahun. Dengan demikian, kuota deforestasi hutan alam Indonesia pada periode tersebut hanya sebesar 4,82 juta hektare. Berdasarkan data KLHK, dari tahun 2011-2012 hingga 2019-2020, Indonesia telah kehilangan hutan alam sebesar kurang lebih 4,71 juta hektare, sehingga kuota deforestasi hutan alam Indonesia pada periode 2020-2030 hanya tersisa 107 ribu hektare atau 10,7 ribu hektare per tahun. Namun, apabila memasukkan data deforestasi 2010-2011 berdasarkan rata-rata deforestasi 2009-2011 yaitu sebesar 196.750 hektare, maka kuota deforestasi periode 2020-2030 bahkan mencapai minus. Artinya, Indonesia tidak lagi memiliki kuota deforestasi sampai 2030,” tambah Yosi Amelia.

Pemerintah Indonesia sendiri telah mengumumkan tiga skenario dalam Strategi Jangka Panjang Rendah Karbon dan Ketahanan Iklim 2050 (Long-Term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience) dengan target mencapai nol emisi bersih pada 2070, atau 20 tahun lebih lambat dari yang diserukan oleh PBB. Dalam skenario paling ambisius dan selaras dengan Paris Agreement (Low Carbon Compatible with Paris Agreement – LCCP), Indonesia menargetkan puncak emisi (peaking) untuk semua sektor dengan sektor hutan dan lahan menjadi net sink pada tahun 2030. 

Dengan demikian, hutan dan lahan Indonesia akan sangat diandalkan tidak hanya untuk mengurangi emisi dari sektor itu sendiri, tetapi juga untuk menyerap emisi atau polusi karbon dari sektor-sektor lain, yakni energi, limbah, proses industri dan penggunaan produk, dan pertanian. 

Berdasarkan analisis awal Madani, ada sekitar 9,4 juta hektare hutan alam atau hampir setara 16 X Pulau Bali di luar izin/konsesi, area alokasi perhutanan sosial/PIAPS, dan area penghentian izin baru/PIPPIB yang belum terlindungi oleh kebijakan penghentian pemberian izin baru sehingga rentan terdeforestasi,” ujar Fadli Ahmad Naufal, GIS Specialist Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan. “9,4 juta hektare hutan alam ini harus dilindungi untuk mencapai visi jangka panjang Indonesia selaras dengan Paris Agreement.”

Selain itu, pemerintah juga harus meninjau ulang berbagai program Pemulihan Ekonomi dan Proyek Strategis Nasional seperti Food Estate agar tidak merusak hutan alam. “Analisis awal Madani, ada 1,5 juta hekatre hutan alam di Area of Interest Food Estate di Papua, Kalimantan Tengah, Sumatra Utara, dan Sumatera Selatan dengan potensi nilai kayu sebesar 209 triliun rupiah yang harus dilindungi,” tambah Fadli. 

Perlindungan hutan-hutan alam yang terlanjur berada di dalam izin dan konsesi Hutan Tanaman Industri dan usaha perkebunan sawit pun harus menjadi perhatian. Salah satu upaya menyelamatkan hutan alam di dalam izin/konsesi perkebunan sawit adalah melalui kebijakan moratorium sawit yang akan berakhir pada September 2021. “Oleh karena itu, meneruskan kebijakan moratorium sawit yang di dalamnya terdapat elemen penyelamatan hutan alam dan peningkatan produktivitas perkebunan sawit sangat penting bagi pencapaian Visi Jangka Panjang Indonesia,” ujar Trias Fetra, Program Officer Tata Kelola Sawit Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan.

Untuk mencapai Visi Jangka Panjang yang selaras dengan Paris Agreement, Indonesia harus mentransformasikan penggunaan lahan dengan memanfaatkan lahan-lahan tidak produktif baik di dalam maupun di luar kawasan hutan untuk mencapai ketahanan pangan dan energi serta melindungi hutan alam dan ekosistem gambut yang tersisa secara menyeluruh. 

Masa depan kita dan generasi mendatang bergantung pada transformasi pembangunan ekonomi Indonesia saat ini agar tidak lagi merusak hutan dan lingkungan. Perubahan ini harus dimulai sekarang juga karena dampak krisis iklim yang semakin parah tidak lagi memberikan kita kemewahan waktu,” tutup Yosi.


Kontak Media :

  • Yosi Amelia, Project Officer Hutan dan Iklim  Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, HP.0813 2217 1803
  • Trias Fetra, Program Officer Tata Kelola Sawit Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, WA. 0877 4403 0366
  • Luluk Uliyah, Senior Media Communication Officer Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, 0815 1986 8887

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