[Jakarta, Tuesday, April 5, 2022] The IPCC Report on Mitigation released on April 4, 2022 unequivocally states that we must act now to reduce global emissions by half by 2030 in order to hold global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees. Countries’ current climate commitments (NDCs) would take us to 2.8 degrees of global warming by 2100, well above the safe limit of 1.5 degrees. The report also explicitly states that emissions reductions in the agriculture, forestry and land (AFOLU) sector can help reduce global emissions at scale, but cannot compensate for delayed emissions reductions in other sectors.
“Therefore, for Indonesia’s future generations to have a chance of survival, the government must do two things at once: drastically reduce fossil energy and maintain and restore the remaining natural ecosystems that play a major role in absorbing GHG emissions from the atmosphere. This includes protecting all remaining natural forest landscapes, no more clearing and draining of peat, and massive mangrove preservation and restoration.This is a very important issue,” said Nadia Hadad, Executive Director of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan in response to the IPCC Report on Mitigation that was issued on April 4, 2022.
Currently, Madani’s spatial assessment finds that around 9.7 million hectares of Indonesia’s natural forests and 2.9 million hectares of peat ecosystems that are outside of licenses/concessions and areas allocated for social forestry remain unprotected by the new license suspension policy. These natural forests need to be urgently protected by various policy instruments. In addition, there are 27.2 million hectares of natural forests within licenses/concessions (palm oil, IUPHHK-HA, IUPHHK-HT, mineral and coal concessions and oil and gas concessions) that also need to be considered for strategies to protect them.
“The Indonesian government has set a target of Indonesia FOLU Net Sink 2030, with the ambition that Indonesia’s forest and land sector will no longer be an emitter but a carbon sink by 2030. One of its goals is to reduce deforestation and degradation. This ambition deserves appreciation and support for its implementation. However, this ambition needs to be reflected in Indonesia’s NDC, which will be updated in 2022 (Second Updated NDC).,” said Yosi Amelia, Forest and Climate Program Officer of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan.
The government has also established a Value for Carbon Economy (NEK) policy to achieve Indonesia’s NDC target and control emissions in development. “Given the urgency of reducing emissions and the 2030 target, the Value of Carbon Economy (NEK) should be prioritized for actions that actually reduce emissions from the atmosphere – including those undertaken by indigenous peoples and local communities as forest guardians – and should not rely on offsets, which without strict rules and transparency can undermine climate ambition,” added Yosi Amelia.
The IPCC Report also states that to maximize the mitigation potential of the AFOLU sector, policies that directly address emissions and encourage the implementation of land-based mitigation options are needed – one of which is through establishing and respecting tenure rights and community-based forest management.
“In this case, the Government of Indonesia needs to be appreciated considering that Indonesia’s Updated NDC document has emphasized respect and recognition of the rights of indigenous and local communities through empowerment and recognizing the rights of indigenous and local communities in development. In line with this, the Government has also opened up opportunities for granting forest management rights through Social Forestry. However, to date, the granting of social forestry management licenses for forest management communities is still far from the target set by the government. Meanwhile, in Indonesia’s FOLU Net Sink 2030 target, the social forestry program is one of the key strategies to achieve it. To align with this target, the Government needs to accelerate the granting of Social Forestry licenses for indigenous and local communities and strengthen assistance in its implementation.,” added Yosi Amelia.
Local governments, as one of the Non-Party Stakeholders, are key in carrying out emission control actions in their regions. “To accelerate the achievement of climate commitment targets, local governments have been mandated to take part in organizing climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as playing a role in organizing the Value of Carbon Economy (NEK) as stipulated in Presidential Regulation 98/2021. More specifically, Perpres NEK requires provincial governments to develop baselines, targets and action plans for GHG emission reduction, conduct guidance, inventory, monitor and report on GHG emission control actions. However, to carry out the mandate, it is important to ensure the alignment of national and regional policies, improve the ability and capacity of regions in sustainable planning, strengthen green funding sources, and involve other multi-sectors, both academics and the private sector, to carry out low-carbon and climate-resilient development,” said Resni Soviyana, Program Officer Green Development of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan.
M. Arief Virgy, Biofuel Program Officer of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, added that the New and Renewable Energy Bill (RUU EBT) can be a strategic opportunity for Indonesia to encourage energy transition from fossil energy to renewable energy, including biofuels as transitional energy. “However, in order for the national biofuel policy to be in line with the achievement of Indonesia’s climate commitments and net zero emissions, RUU EBT needs to include arrangements for fulfilling the principles of social and environmental sustainability in the development of biofuel from upstream to downstream aspects and prioritize diversification of raw material commodities by emphasizing the use of 2nd generation biofuel technology or waste,” said M. Arief Virgy. [ ]
Media Contact:
- Nadia Hadad, Executive Director of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, HP. 0811 132 081
- Yosi Amelia, Forest and Climate Program Officer of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, HP. 0813 2217 1803
- M. Arief Virgy, Biofuel Program Officer of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan HP. 0859 2614 0003
- Luluk Uliyah, Senior Media Communication of Yayasan Madani Berkelanjutan, HP. 0815 1986 8887